Ausable River Ice Movement & Emergency Preparedness
Mother Nature has certainly kept us on our toes this week. With the recent warm-up, rainfall, and now freezing temperatures, ice movement in the Ausable River has created some unstable and unpredictable conditions. Essex County Emergency Services Deputy Director Josh Favro and I have been working closely to plan and prepare for any necessary emergency response.
Today, we met with the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to discuss the forecast, securing a long-arm excavator (currently stationed at the Town of Jay Highway Garage—see attached photo), and coordinating necessary permits with the Department of Environmental Conservation. We have also been in contact with local emergency squads, as well as officials from the Towns of Black Brook and Keene, to keep them updated.
Looking ahead, conditions along the river should remain calm through the weekend, with warmer temperatures expected next week. Please stay aware of changing conditions, and we will continue to provide updates via Voyent Alert and our Facebook pages. As always, never drive through standing or moving water—stay safe!
MicroEnterprise Grant – Letters of Support Needed
We are working on our application for the CDBG MicroEnterprise Grant with the Essex County IDA. This grant provides funding opportunities for small businesses and startups in the Town of Jay. We are seeking letters of support from any business owners or entrepreneurs interested in applying.
If you’d like more information or wish to submit a letter of interest, please contact my office at 518-647-2204.
Upcoming Community Events
Friday, March 7
- Knights of Columbus Fish Fry – 4:30 – 6:30 PM at the Holy Name Parish Center in Au Sable Forks.
Friday – Sunday, March 7-9
- Missing Children’s Basketball Tournament – Held at the Town of Jay Community Center throughout the weekend.
Sunday, March 9
- Au Sable Forks Fire Department Big Breakfast – 8:00 – 11:00 AM at the Firehouse.
We hope to see you out in the community this weekend—stay safe and have a great week ahead!
Have a great weekend,