This week Mountain Valley Mechanical installed the heat pump into the senior center.  This unit and installation were paid for by grant funds we have received due to the efforts of the Town of Jay Climate Smart Task Force in the NYSERDA CEC (Clean Energy Communities) program.  This will now create a cool space during the summer for our senior meal program and for town meetings.  We plan to discuss passing a resolution to create a cooling center for the Town of Jay in this space for residents to cool off during heat waves that affect our community.

Next week is our regular meeting for August on Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 pm.  Prior to that meeting we will be holding a couple of public hearings for grant programs we hope to apply for.  The first public hearing is scheduled for 6:00 pm and will discuss our desire to apply for almost $90,000 through the CDBG Vacant Lot Clearance Program.  This will help the Town of Jay clear a blighted property in the Hamlet of Jay with the help of the Essex County Land Bank.  The second public hearing will be at 6:30 pm for the Essex County IDA to apply for a CDBG Microenterprise grant in the amount of $200,000 to help small businesses in our town.  This program will be for new or existing businesses that have less than 5 employees.

Lastly, on the youth sports front, baseball and softball seasons have come to a close for the year.  The soccer season will be starting this coming week and we have 4 teams ranging from the Mites to Bantam Levels.  The Town of Jay Parks Department has been working hard in conjunction with the Water and Sewer Department, Highway Department, and Essex County Soil and Water to get our field back in condition after the circus this summer.  Attached you can see a before and after picture.  Thank you to everyone for working extremely hard to get this ready for our youth!

Hope you have a great week,
