The Town of Jay is working with the Essex County Industrial Development Agency for business grant opportunities. The Au Sable River Valley Business Association will be holding an informational meeting about the CDBG Micro-enterprise Program

When: Thursday July 9 at 5 PM
Where: Community Center, Au Sable Forks, 11 Church Lane and via Zoom

Meeting ID: 896 2531 3708
Passcode: 489858

The Au Sable River Valley Business Association (ARVBA) is working with the Town of Jay to possibly apply for a CDBG Micro-enterprise grant. This grant opportunity will be for small startups and small existing businesses who are looking to start or expand and could be used for working capital and to purchase equipment, inventory, and provides 90% funding with a 10% owner match. ARVBA is hosting this meeting and invited the Essex County IDA, who will provide information on the program to gauge the interest level from attendees to help to determine if this grant is right for the Town of Jay. We encourage everyone who thinks they may have an interest to join us at this event on Tuesday July 9th at 5:00 PM in the Community Center Au Sable Forks or via zoom.