NYSAC Legislative Conference
This week, I attended the New York State Associations of Counties (NYSAC) Legislative Conference in Albany with several other Essex County Supervisors. It was a great experience to build off of the educational opportunities I received the week before in New York City at the New York Associations of Towns Training Conference. The class offerings I attended were varied, but I especially enjoyed the session on AI and municipal government. I was able to bring back some time-saving ideas as well as insights on developing a policy concerning this emerging technology. Additionally, the tourism discussion sparked ideas to bring to our Economic Development Committee as we work to shape the community we want.
I am very excited to continue these educational topics this week as I head to Washington, D.C., for the National Association of Counties (NaCO).


Grant Funding and Economic Development
Yesterday, I met with the Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Board (LCLGRPB) to discuss additional grant funding sources for several of our planned and ongoing projects. A conversation about these projects first began with Director Beth Gilles at the NYAOT conference in NYC. I am excited to announce that a member of the LCLGRPB will be joining the Town of Jay Economic Development Committee, strengthening our collaboration with agencies we already utilize for funding opportunities. I look forward to the work we will accomplish with this new partnership!


New Business Openings
It is a very exciting time in our community with new businesses opening. Recently, Guti’s, a sibling to Giuseppe’s, opened in the old Hometown Deli location in Au Sable Forks. It is great to see the expanded dining options in the hamlet, complementing Lance’s Place, The Forks Blend and Brew, and Stewarts. Please remember to eat local as often as possible to support these new businesses so they can continue to thrive.


Highway Department Update
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jeff Bressette for his service to the Town of Jay Highway Department. Jeff came out of retirement to assist the department in a time of need and has recently resigned his position. I would also like to welcome Town of Jay resident Johnathan Parks to the Highway Department as he steps into this role. Johnathan brings valuable experience from the NYS DOT. Welcome aboard, Johnathan!


Hope you have a great weekend.
